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Dbayeh Showroom Credit Facilities Program


You can buy any Samsung product from Samsung Dbayeh Showroom with our credit facilities program!

You're welcome to visit our showroom with the required documents and our team will help you out.

First you have to have the following:


-Salary Slip

-Residential paper

-Copy of your ID


Once you visit our showroom, just fill an application in order to send it to the bank.

The product(s) must be $300 and above to be eligible for the credit facilities program.

Upon the approval of the bank, you will have all the info regarding the installments fees, and the period. Then you must visit the concerned bank(Blom Bank or BBAC Bank) to sign the required papers and installments, and you will receive a voucher which you can use at our showroom.


In case the customer is not an employee, he/she should provide the last 3 months Bank Statement instead of the Salary Statement.



Feel free to contact our hotline on 1299.